Reiki is a Japanese technique for stress reduction and relaxation that also promotes healing. It is administered by "laying on hands" and is based on the idea that an unseen "life force energy" flows through us and is what causes us to be alive. If one's "life force energy" is low, then we are more likely to get sick or feel stress, and if it is high, we are more capable of being happy and healthy.

Reiki Session - An hour

Individual traditional Usui Reiki sessions start with a consultation with the Reiki Master about what you desire to work on in the meeting and areas where you require healing.

During Reiki sessions, you will feel a light touch on and over your body. Clients report feeling shifts in energy; some enter a meditative state, and most report feeling relaxed and more grounded afterwards. Reiki healing sessions can support all kinds of physical and emotional body issues, such as physical pain and chronic pain, chronic "medical" illnesses and syndromes, as well as mental illness, depression, and all kinds of trauma and PTSD.    

Art therapy combined with Reiki energy encourages the expression of
emotions through a variety of artistic activities.

Reiki and Expressive Healing Session- 1.5 hours

During the consultation you will draw a quick mandala on coloured paper with oil pastels, reflecting the state of your current energy and emotional/physical state. After the verbal consultation, Reiki will be provided as stated above, on the table. The Reiki portion of the session will last 50 minutes - an hour. Afterwards, you will be invited to make another mandala drawing on colored paper. You will have more time for this drawing.

Then we will look at both pictures and process the shifts in energy and other changes, feelings, reactions you have to the session. When you purchase at least five sessions, you will have a kind of blueprint of your healing process in the form of the mandalas you can take home after each session to meditate on between sessions.

Reiki sessions can also be done sitting up in a chair for those that are uncomfortable laying down. Book a session today!

Services Offered:

  • Introductory reiki session – 15 minutes - $25

  • Intuitive Healing Therapy – 30 minutes - $50

  • Initial Individual Reiki Session - 1.5 hour $140 + TAX

  • Follow up Individual Reiki Therapy Session - 1.5 hour — $111 + TAX

*All Sessions are conducted on weekends. Contact me for information about upcoming group sessions. Prices vary depending on the size of the group and the length of the session. I also offers private groups on request. I need five participants to run a private group. All services are offered at my beautiful home studio in Ajax, Ontario.